God Save The Local News

I always chuckle when media and ethics are used in the same breath with news, as I am a believer that it is impossible to write without bias. This bias comes directly from your personal feelings which are guided by your experiences and are nearly impossible to quash. Many believe this bias began in the… Continue reading God Save The Local News

Exposing Media Bias and the Liberation of Pandora’s Box

I am entranced by the magic of Enrique Dussel’s ideas about liberatory ethics.  are rooted in a critique of Western modernity and colonialism. He proffers that traditional ethics are often shaped by oppressive systems, focused on promoting the ideals of the dominating side much. Senator George Graham Vest may have said it best, “history is… Continue reading Exposing Media Bias and the Liberation of Pandora’s Box

Salazar & Ethical Dilemmas

Thankfully I have found my way to this class, as I have been a self-taught ‘student’ of media and ethics for at least two decades. Prior to this journey out of the darkness I drank all the media sponsored Kool-Aid that I could find completely immersing myself within the smoke and mirrors spun from some… Continue reading Salazar & Ethical Dilemmas

The Silence of The Lambs

In the grand theater of modern news, it often feels like we’re all unwittingly cast in a surreal, reality-bending sitcom. And what’s the running gag? The media, of course! They’re the ones spinning yarns, with the government’s blessing, like masterful jesters in a royal court. But instead of juggling balls, they juggle facts, fiction, and… Continue reading The Silence of The Lambs

An Ode to the Graduates

First, congratulations! You’ve crossed the finish line of academia and have now been thrust into the wild, exhilarating, and sometimes terrifying world of adulthood. You might think it’s time to jump straight into a job and start living that “adult life” everyone talks about. Well, hold your horses! Before you sign up for that 9-to-5… Continue reading An Ode to the Graduates


We are bombarded by so many voices focusing on the things that focus on our differences. The powers that be understand that if they chum the waters with their rhetoric, the people will be focused on culture wars rather than watching our freedoms, rights and money being taken away. Keeping the blinders on helps keep… Continue reading Cancelled:#MeToo