Conquering Child Hunger

I have always been an advocate for promoting a better life for our children, they are our future. During my baller days it was with my checkbook, and now I donate my time at our local Food Bank doing my part to end food insecurity. There are many culprits gathered on the other side trying to limit benefits to our most needy. Parents are forced to make more sacrifices in the battle to maintain a standard of living. Inflation (Corporate Greed) drives utilities, rent, gas and food prices up inordinately faster than wages, making it much harder to survive today. This has forced more parents into the job world JUST to keep a roof over their heads, leaving our children high and dry with less family time. Our big tech corporations victimize our youth promoting superfluous nonsense and standards of looks and dress that are all but unattainable. Capitalism and influencers promote self serving products that our children can’t live without further taxing our income. What can be done? Historically it has been to support the Democrats as they are for the people, the question is…. Are they still?

They aren’t and for those of you who want to label me MAGA, neither are the Republicans. While in charge of Congress and the White House universally accepted things like free school lunches should have been rubber stamped. Instead we spend our time handing out money to the Ukraine, Israel, giving handouts to big business or trying to Americanize the planet. Why aren’t our politicians focused on helping us?

They don’t have to change, because we do not hold them accountable. They fire up their base screaming sexuality, gender, Trump, MAGA, Biden, progressive, Nazi, Communist, abortion, guns, China, Russia or dozens of culture issues promoted and we take the bait remaining divided. We in turn forget we are all human beings, that we are all Americans, and that our politicians are SUPPOSED to listen to us. We were a country of the people, by the people and for the people that has evolved into one where our politicians kneel to those who write the biggest check.

Hunger is the harshest of all the insecurities and the only one you can’t go without. Since 2020 those facing problems providing healthy food choices to their families has doubled and I believe those numbers are low. School is supposed to be a safe place focused on learning and providing a positive atmosphere for our children. I find it disgusting that we cannot find the means to provide food to all students throughout the nation. As of 2023 only 6 states have programs to feed the children, though the chart below shows the ‘progress’. California was the first to feed the children from the state coffers rather than the Federal Government. This seems odd to me that we provide 16.6% of the United States income tax revenue and our leaders feel our money is better spent not helping our most vulnerable Americans. We need to take our country back.