Darwish Channels Dussel

This was a fun post, another chance to bring one of my new found hero’s, Enrique Dussel ,to the world of today’s journalistic fight against evil. There are so many examples of people in the world that need voicers with the majority being people of color and more specifically the old, the young and women.… Continue reading Darwish Channels Dussel

There’s No Candy with this Kane

I am a huge fan of the movie, Citizen Kane, and incredibly excited that I can tie it into my rants on media ethics. This cinematic masterpiece created in the 1940’s dissects the destructive forces of unchecked power, individualism, and egocentrism and looking at our current landscape remains relevant today. As a practicing Dusselite/ Dusselarian,… Continue reading There’s No Candy with this Kane


We are bombarded by so many voices focusing on the things that focus on our differences. The powers that be understand that if they chum the waters with their rhetoric, the people will be focused on culture wars rather than watching our freedoms, rights and money being taken away. Keeping the blinders on helps keep… Continue reading Cancelled:#MeToo